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熱門關鍵詞:聚氨酯發泡機 | 發泡模具模架 | 發泡生產線 | 原料儲存預混 | 機器人自動化 | 主要配件


發布者:弗雷特  發布時間:2022-04-08 11:41:14點擊率:1160

        原始的發泡工藝:手工攪拌、物料填充到水箱內部。這是最原始的發泡工藝,已基本被淘汰,目前僅少量還存在于作坊中。 隨著低壓發泡機的發展,發泡工藝由純手工升級到半自動化澆注生產,幾乎不用工裝模具就可以生產。由于低壓發泡機的料比不可調、混合壓力低、流量小等問題,澆注出的發泡料閉孔率低,保溫效果不好,再加上多次澆注才能完成一臺水箱,因此水箱內部泡沫存在收縮,特別是管口位置,冬季普遍會出現裂口。生產廠家為了減少開裂問題,不得不提高自由泡的密度。再通過發泡塞的材質,脫模劑的成分等方面增加管口結皮的厚度等,雖然減少了開裂的表象,但依然不能根本解決收縮問題。



What are the advantages of high pressure foaming machine compared with low pressure foaming machine?

      Original foaming process: manual mixing, material filling into the water tank. This is the most original foaming process, has been basically eliminated, only a small amount still exists in the workshop. With the development of low pressure foaming machine, the foaming process has been upgraded from pure manual to semi-automatic casting production, which can be produced almost without tooling. Due to the material ratio of the low-pressure foaming machine is not adjustable, the mixing pressure is low, the flow is small and other problems, the closed cell rate of the foaming material poured out is low, the insulation effect is not good, and the multiple pouring can only complete a water tank, so the foam inside the water tank is shrinking, especially the position of the pipe mouth, and there will be cracks in winter. Manufacturers have to increase the density of free bubbles to reduce cracking problems. Through the material of foaming plug, the composition of mold release agent and other aspects to increase the thickness of tube mouth crust, although reduce the appearance of cracking, but still can not fundamentally solve the problem of shrinkage.

       With the development of the industry, larger enterprises generally purchase high pressure foaming machine, good foaming mixing effect, high closed cell rate, good insulation performance, reduce cracking. Guangdong Fuleite Mechanical and electrical Technology Co., Ltd. is located in Shenghui North Industrial Zone, Nantou Town, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, is a set of research and development, production, sales, after-sales service in one of the polyurethane machinery automation production enterprises. The department of research and development manufacturing all kinds of polyurethane foam casting machine, polyurethane foaming machine, automatic production line (suspension line/trajectory/disk line, etc.), automatic foaming mold mold frame, the polyurethane foam of complete sets of equipment, such as mechanical arm to help thousands of polyurethane products production enterprise users to "high rate of good products, low equipment fault rate.



手 機:13823935587 許總(微信同步)

電 話:400-0757-678

地 址:廣東省中山市南頭鎮同福中路39號第二棟4卡



Copyright 2018 弗雷特機電科技有限公司是一家專注于發泡機聚氨酯發泡機高壓發泡機環戊烷發泡機的生產廠家 技術支持:點精網絡






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